Sunday, August 06, 2006

Do You Want To Understand How To Be A Blogger?

Are you interested in creating your own blog, but you're not quite sure what it take's to make that happen? This is probably one of the few locations in Chicagoland where you can get first hand working and real time instructions, first rate blogging advice from a first rate blogging staff. Under the leadership of local creative blogging expert Sy Bounds.
Sy is very concerned not to teach theory, but always strives to demonstrate, explain and actually build a blog.....constantly configuring and flavoring, remarkable, exotic, unique insights that
define exceptional bloggers today.
Over the past 10 years, Sy has studied and researched some of the world's smartest blogging experts. And in that process discovered that the wide, wide variety of creative projects in media, art, crafts, performance art, etc that he has participated.
Helped to prepare him to ingest and absorbed the truly incredible, degree of constant, ongoing informational content that defines a professional bloggers daily experience.
Honestly, it requires many over lapping skill sets to master professional blogging. And bloggers are as talented up and down as the earth and sky. As for me, I see blogging today as the single most important marketing tool of all small business owners. And those who are open to learn how to blog to promote their business or service.
The good news is that it's cheap, easy to learn. And fairly easy to maintain. It only take a few focused classes to learn the basics and after that you'll be single-handedly marketing and promoting your very own business from your computer.
( Carve a few weeks out of your time and do this!)
No webmaster, no waiting weeks and months for him or her to design your web pages.
With a blog, all you do is post your daily.......promotional message, just like I'm doing here.
Translation: If your sources are not urging you to get on board the blogging train. Then You may want to ask them, what's really happening! Websites or blogs........That's the question!
If you're placing your focus on websites, then you're using a less effective, yet more expensive technology. Today, August, 2006 is a year of technological convergence. Take a little time to learn about blogging. Get a blog. And you'll be on the cutting-edge. And as my good friend John Porter likes to say.....That's real!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Blogging Requires Participation.

As technology developes and evolves, it is very important for small businesses to conform and capitalize on this change.
Most people realize that blogs, websites
and podcast are changing the way business will be done in the future, yet they lack the direction to properly take the correct steps to establish an effective webpage strategy for their company. That's O.K. WE CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO DEVELOPE AND MAINTAIN YOUR OWN WEBPAGE OR BLOG.
Now, because of this remarkable technological evolution that is occurring worldwide at this moment. A huge demand has been generated for competent, efficient, quality web-based services. And people who understand how to deliver them. Again, we can help you in our FREE classes!
Really, when you stop to think about it, we're in the midst of truly exciting times! And making
money online, from home or any cell phone is fascinating.
If you are thinking along the same line. Then we can show you how to earn
$$$$ as well as promote your business, service or product. It's called ' monitizing ' your blog.
But, there is one final tip that I would like to share with you. Once you begin to blog, you probably will realize some of the more exciting and creative moments that you've ever experienced. But if you don't start, then all the reading, talk, speculation in the world won't help. Blogging requires participation. Just getting started puts you, a great distance ahead of all the talkers. When bloggers meet, learning happens!
Call 1-312-802-4573 and let's get started

Understanding Why, You Should Get Your Business Blog, A.S.A.P.

As Soon As You Get Your Blog, The Further Ahead You Will Be!

Why Blogging, As Opposed To Website Design?

These are not my words. They are the words of.....Brad Shorr (and I believe he's on the mark)
The time for investigation is at hand. Estimates of the number of blogs are iffy, but run as high as 70 million worldwide. Whatever the number, blogs are spreading like wildfire. Some experts predict business blogs will eventually replace traditional Web sites altogether. That may sound incredible, but there’s no doubt blogs are changing the nature of business communication in a big way......